Monday, April 22, 2024

EOTO Reaction Post

 Propaganda is when information is misleading or biased to promote a particular side of the government. We've witnessed many signs of propaganda throughout history including political, war, etc. Covid 19 propaganda was promoted in the beginning of the pandemic, propaganda was released pushing people to stay indoors and later in the pandemic we can see it lean more manipulating people to stay indoors.  Abortion propaganda can appear misleading as it's a very controversial topic.  Trump propaganda can be seen both ways. In anti-trump propaganda we can see trump with  the clown nose essentially calling him a joke. Propaganda is always one sided and attempting to manipulate people into believing that one side.Propagandas effect on society is that it can spread opinions really quickly that are not based on facts but on opinions. They create debate and disagreement. They targets our emotions to make us feel some type of way.

Alternative Media. can be seen  all around us. It's identified as non mainstream source of information that offerers everything outside mainstream concepts and ideas.
Alternative media focuses on community empowerment and social justice. The independence of alternative media allows neglected ideas in mainstream media to be highlighted. Things such as podcast, social media app, graffiti are also considered alternative media. It gives less powerful people a voice and strength our nation. The ALS challenge is a huge example of this and the impact of it spreading raised 240 million for the ALS foundation. 

Influencers are typically found on social media platforms and create content aimed to impact people worldwide and create communities for all activities. They often "influence" their  followers to use product they use hence gaining the name influencers however they often influence ideas as well due to being  perceived as trustworthy and personable.Influencers produce engaging material that allow brands to reach all over the world innovativly and creativity through trends. Overall the commercialization of products and  ethical concerns that could lead to loopholes in product review causes a debate on how well we can view the judgement of influencers. Also the deeming fact that nowadays "anyone can be an influencer" has causes a reliance on social media platforms however has strengthened of connection with people all of the world . 

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