Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Blog Post #6

 Nowadays media outlets seem to have two fairly different opinions with no in-between. The media focuses directly in on these two ideas leaving out the middle ground and all other ideas. Mainstream media is going to focus on what news and ideas is going to make them the most money and viewership. Mainstream media leans into what their audience knows and loves for example, Fox News is graciously known for being a big news supporter of former president Trump and has been known to censor certain stories around him, CNN is also known for doing similar censorships of media relating to Trump and instances involving him. Censorship is a big part on why alternative media isn't as popular as mainstream media outlets. The focus alternative media has on community and social justice is perceived as too extreme for mainstream media. In recent years alternative media has arose on social media platforms as ideas are independently spread throughout and exposed to more people than news outlets. Anti- war voices have always been seen as Anti American due to Americas strong associations with being a huge military force in the world. This can be traced back to WWl and WWll as propaganda posters were hung up to enforce  and encourage people to enlist. With the formation of NATO and alliances, joining wars have become more prevalent in our society, even if not deemed necessary by the public. However, people are known to condone to government beliefs in fear of being seen as against them, therefore the anti-war movement and its ideas are viewed by most as "wrong". 

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