Thursday, April 25, 2024

Age of AI #9

The documentary though very thought provoking, made me very nervous for the future. While AI has such a transformative power that can solve complex problems, the dark-side of this technology is a little frightening. 

AI powered technology can help us advance in our future and reshape the way we live.  One of the biggest things I found when further researching, is the use of AI in the advancement in medical assistant. AI has already helped doctors identify many health risk to early on patients and developed personal treatment plans for them. Another thing AI has been widely used for is developing assistance in new innovations and ideas. The tool of AI provides a greater insight to new ideas and different perspectives . We see the widespread of sites such as ChatGPT, built to motivate thinking and discussion. In education, ChatGPT has been used as a personalization "tutoring system"  that can help students in any subject. Just by typing in simple words "Write me a 300 word paper about the importance of vitamin C" ChatGPT can write you that paper, they can also dissect articles and other pieces of work. The idea of this technology is a true advancement and sounds good on paper, specifically in education, but can lead to laziness and less working opportunities for humans as AI can take over basic jobs and tasks the humans might not preform as perfect as them. 

When I think of the the frightening future of AI, I think of many movies its been portrayed such as I Robot  and Megan, however I think the bigger concerns of privacy and data security top the silly movie portrayals. Like any new technology, data protection and security is a widespread concern for many users. Users essentially have the access to manipulate data within AI software and access personal information that this technology as obtained. Recently at a conference in Las Vegas the AI pictured named Ameca was debuted in front of an audience. Many chilling videos on Tik Tok appeared of Ameca, showcasing her responding to questions about the future of AI. While the AI, presents it has no feelings, many of the questions were answered in a sassy or emotive tone.  AI presenting emotions can lead to a broader range of task that can could lead to the "need of no humans" 

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