Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Privacy Blog

Privacy by definition means the state of being free from being observed or disrupted by other people. Privacy has been a growing concern in our society as more and more violations are becoming present. I have never really thought about privacy as an issue until concerns about privacy relating to media arose. 

The first video is an introduction to online privacy. Juan Enriquez compares our active lives on social media to that of a tattoo. Detailing that social media post our a "electronic tattoo". Social media sites such as Facebook, twitter and instagram all use facial  recognition and what you post to decide everything about you. Much like tattoos, what you post on social media is permanent and while both can be removed they aren't forgotten. I knew of the fact of social media companies tracking due to ad control and who they are going to, however I was never aware pf how extreme is was. 

In Christopher Soghoian 's ted talk describes the concern of wiretapping and surveillance through communication such as phone calls, texts and emails. He mentions the use of wiretapping for surveillance within products through telephone companies specifically for government use. These however, were found to be easily tapped by other governments and intelligence agencies as well as anyone who had the capability. Personally, I believe this is so scary due to the stalker-ish nature of listening in on ones phone call wether it be the government or a regular person. There has been an increase protection in surveillance issues through the birth of the smartphone. Companies like apple and google are programming their systems to make it more difficult to tap in. 

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