Wednesday, March 20, 2024

8 Values of Freedom


In todays society, the publics freedom to maintain free speech seems to dwindle day by day. Social Media platforms such as Meta are constantly limiting the ability to express ones opinion. News outlets and media are also very well-known for being very biased on one opinion and striking and silencing other views. These 8 values I feel are losing themselves within today's society and it's scary to witness it. These 8 values include the Marketplace of ideas, the idea that the truth will present itself, even within a false narrative. Participation in self-government is the idea that citizens will not make wise choices in elections if candidates of certain policies are restricted in their ability to communicate their positions. Stable change the idea that a society in which citizens are allowed to vent or criticize the government will be more stable. Individual Self-Fulfillment the idea that free speech will enable people  to express themselves and create their own identity. Check on governmental power the idea that freedom of the press allows  citizens to learn about abuses of power and be a part of the check-and-balance system. Protect Dissent the idea that the first amendment protects even the most unpopular views. I found two ideas that I most value, one being promote innovation which is the idea that when free speech is valued and protected the people within society are more likely to participate and engage in it. The other idea is promote tolerance which is the idea that by protecting speech society finds hateful helps us become more tolerant. 

1. Promote Innovation

Promote Innovation is the idea that when free speech is valued and protected society is more likely to engage in it. In 2020 we saw the now poplar social media app , Tik Tok take off due to its allowance of 30 second to 3 minute videos where you could showcase and discus frankly anything you wanted. Coverage of any type of media grew super popular on Tik Tok such as election news, pop culture news, etc. The app gained such a popularity due to its allowance of unfiltered speech. Unless you spoke of threats or presented violent actions, your video can be viewed by all. Every year, politicians have "threatened" to ban Tik Tok however, this March a bill was created including the banning of Tik Tok due to the company's influence within China. This ban is a huge violation of the first amendment right due to the government potentially restricting the ability of the people to express themselves through social media, politically or not. While concerns about data privacy and national security are legitimate, banning TikTok outright undermines the fundamental right to free speech. Ultimately, this could harm the participation within speech and how society expresses it.

2. Promote Tolerance

When being presented on the list I couldn't understand why this wasn't common sense to most people. Promote tolerance is the idea that by protecting speech society finds hateful helps us become more tolerant and better as a society. Cancel culture has become huge within the newer generation and while this became a great tool of bringing awareness to people in society who need to reflect on themselves, it started to be taken overboard by members of society. I constantly think about to Jenna Marbles, a popular YouTube content creator, when I think of unnecessary cancel culture. in 2020, two videos from 2011 and 2012 were resurfaced of Marbles, years after she had released an apology for her racist jokes. After days of receiving relentless bullying and death threats, Marbles announced her indefinite leave from YouTube.  While promoting tolerance is something that as a society we need to uphold constantly, we also need to recognize changes and shifts presented by people over time. 

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