Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Diffusion of Innovations

 When reading the theory of Diffusion of Innovations ,which is the idea that reflects on the pattern and speed at which innovations spread, I thought about the Vision Pro software that was recently released by Apple.

On February 2nd, 2024 consumers were able to snag the new Vision Pro goggles which they have classified as their first 3D camera.  This headset combines your digital content and apps you see on your phone and allows you to control it from any physical space through the movement of your eyes, hands and voice. 

Apple has been patiently working on this project for around 16 years and this long awaited technology took quite a while to develop due to most of the technology needing to invent itself. With the rise of VR and wireless thinking, Apple wanted to expand on it, in a way no one else would ever imagine. Over the last decade apple has been growing their fanbase with their groundbreaking technology. With over 2 billion users  apple has commanded and perfected the technology industry. Therefore it's no surprise many people were intrigued by this new concept. The Wall Street journal reported that Apple sold around 160,000 to 180,000 units within the first day with early adapters jumping to get their hands on the newest technology advancement. 

While the concept of the vision pro is quite spectacular, many late or non-adaptors might find this item impractical and too expensive. Currently a singular vision pro will run you $3500 and while this advance technology is cool many can feel it's just not worth your money. The idea of being able to 3D anything and everything at anytime however, many could argue your phone can perform the same concept minus the 3D. In the future, if Apple figures out to cross connect these devices I could see how late adaptors might find this more appealing. However, I think this might be a skip for most folk. 

Personally, while I believe this a cool advancement in technology I don't think it has any value being included in day to day yet. With most of the technology, being a gentrified combination of an iPhone and a Mac I can see why most people are aren't scrummaging to get their hands on this. 

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